Many of the songs that make up Third World Sun’s first CD took a circuitous route to get to where they are today. Indeed most of them even continue to evolve since we recorded them as we continue to play them live. I wanted to document how these songs came about before I forget and it all just becomes a blur. - Carhart
Stream Caida from Soundcloud
Caida (Johnson, Driml, Carhart, Carhart, Rodriguez)
At the time, Lori and I were living in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood. The little church down the street was all Hispanic and Lori wanted to connect to that community. So she came up with the lyrics to what she was then calling Fall (as in Holy Spirit, fall on us). But she translated the title to Caida (which apparently means “to fall” but in sort of a bad way). After Launch Pad recorded it, we discovered that our translation wasn’t exactly what Lori had been going for but we decided to stick with the title anyway. After all, we all fall. And God is still God. The song itself was written around Scott’s opening guitar riff. I think I provided the chord progression for the chorus. The bass line at the beginning was based on a drum beat that then-drummer David Rodriguez provided. I don’t think I would have played it that way if not for those drums. Mike doesn’t play it the same way, but the bass line from that still persists (so we credit David on the song as well). This is probably our most progressive song structure. We do two verses and two choruses and then we go into some sort of classic/vintage rock extended outro segment (chord progression provided by Scott, I believe). The Third World Sun version actually speeds up during this section. As for the lyrics, they’re pure Lori. But when I sing them now, I sort of feel like she was unknowingly writing them prophetically for me. Lori used to take care of her bi-polar mother. So, yes, I’m sure she felt at times that life had hit her like a bus. But after her passing, faced with raising our daughter without her, those words meant more to me than they probably ever could have to her. When I sing Caida, I feel like I’m singing a song that Lori left behind for me to sing.
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